Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shrimp Cutlet / Chingri Cutlet-Kolkata Style

The other day, hubby and I went to a Restaurant called “The Calcutta Club”. They specialize in Bengali Cuisine, which is famous in the eastern part of India. This was the first time I was trying out Bengali food. Bengali food largely uses mustard seeds and mustard oil in their cooking. Mustard has a very strong pungent flavor which some may not prefer. But I thoroughly enjoyed our dinner.

       We had ordered a fish curry called "Doi Maachi", It is fish cooked in yogurt gravy with some Indian spices and mustard oil. We also had Shorshe Narkol Chingri, which means Shrimp in Coconut and Mustard gravy, I loved this dish a lot. In fact, I managed to get the recipe for this from the chef. I will be soon adding this into my blog very soon.  We also had Aam Pora Shorbot, which a Raw Mango drink, this was quite refreshing.

       But the highlight dish on our table was the Chingri Cutlet, that’s the Shrimp Cutlet. This was very delicious making us want for more. I managed to get the recipe for this also from the chef.  So here you go, the recipe for this awesome Shrimp cutlet, I am sure you will definitely appreciate this dish.

Things you need:
Shrimp, Large – 8 to 10 nos
Turmeric powder – ½ tsp.
Salt – ¼ tsp
Egg – 1
Ginger & garlic paste –  ½ tbsp.
Black Pepper powder –  ½  tbsp.
Mustard Oil – 2 tbsp.
Cooking Oil – for frying
Bread crumbs – 1 cup
Corn Flour – 1 tbsp.

     Clean the shrimp: Remove the shells and head from the shrimp, keep the tail on. Wash the shrimp in water for 2 to 3 times. Now slowly cut the shrimp along the side where you have the vein. Do not cut it till the bottom, you should only cut it 75%, and now you will be able to open it up like a flap. Remove the veins from inside and flatten the shrimp with your kitchen knife.  

   Prepare the marinate: In a bowl add turmeric powder, ginger & garlic paste, salt, pepper powder and 1 tbsp. of mustard oil and mix well. Apply it on the shrimp; such that marinate gets coated all over the shrimp. Keep it aside for 20 to 30 minutes.

  Prepare the batter: In a bowl add corn flour, egg, salt and 1 tbsp. mustard oil and beat will. Keep it aside.

   Prepare to fry: Heat cooking oil in a large pan. Take the marinated shrimp and dab it in bread crumbs. Press it well such that the bread crumbs are struck onto the shrimps. You could also shape the shrimp edges now. Then dip the shrimp in the batter and fry it. Repeat the same for the remaining prawns.

     Serve hot with Tomato sauce and Mustard sauce.

[Recipe courtesy – The Calcutta Club]

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